Varchaswaa Media is a leading television advertising agency in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. The production of television advertising is an extremely time-consuming, but no doubt interesting process. Advertising video is the most effective mechanism for influencing potential customers. As a leading television advertising agency in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India we know that a good commercial can significantly increase the popularity of a product or service, which is why video production is one of the most important parts of the advertising industry. An ideal commercial should be not only creative and memorable, but effective (“selling” the advertised product) at the same time.
The inclusion of both visual and auditory analyzers increases the percentage of advertising memorization up to 70%, this feature of human perception makes the production of advertising videos an effective way to promote companies.
In the production of television advertising, there is a strict division of labor – an advertising agency sells a plot to a client, and then a completely different organization is engaged in filming. Creating a commercial, even the simplest one, is such a complex process that it requires the involvement of professionals of various specialties. If you are looking for a television advertising agency in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, you are at the right place.

1- Script development and writing. 2- Coordination of the budget. 3- Storyboards and animations. 4- Development of layouts and various sketches for scenery, costumes, specific make-up, etc. 5- Castings for actors, voices, locations (locations for filming). 6- Preparation of equipment for filming (lighting, cameras, stead cam, etc.).

1- Construction of scenery and / or bringing ready-made locations in the proper form. 2- Preparation of costumes and necessary props. 3- Creation of a film crew. Filming, computer graphics.

1- Distillation of the footage. 2- Creation of computer graphics and animation — 2D or 3D animation and visualization are important stages of post-production. Computer graphics are in almost any video in the pack-shot. And whether there will be graphics in the video itself (and what it will be) depends on the script. 3- Voice acting- Sound is an important component of the commercial, so its quality must be as high as possible, everything must be thought out from the voice of the actors to the sound noise, music and special effects. 4- Mounting- Turning all the material captured and created with the help of computer graphics into one video. At this stage, the necessary logos, subtitles, etc. are superimposed on the video. 5- Color correction- Re-coloring, coloring, lightening/darkening of some frames or their fragments, etc. 6- Bringing the video to the desired format. This is compression, archiving, fitting fields to the TV standard, etc.
It is used to advertise complex products, whose properties are difficult to verify. The goal of directorial type advertising is to convince the consumer of the qualities of the product by highlighting and comparing these qualities. Basically, for this kind of commercials, the so-called “star” type of advertising is applicable, when an authoritative well-known person who is trusted talks about the product. Directing and acting work is very important in such advertising. The viewer must see that the “star” herself/himself, unconditionally believes in the quality of the advertised product.
in addition to the presence of a script, suggests intrigue. They are created in order to maintain the image of a well-known brand, product, service, and show their advantages. Often this approach requires the involvement of actors, the use of computer graphics.
is usually used to effectively show the texture of the product (for example, “cold beer”, “tasty juice”, “super car”, silky hair, etc.). Such frames are very complex and expensive, they are performed by high-level specialists who combine natural shooting with computer graphics.
Such type of commercials are used in advertising a new product (drug, food additive, shampoo, washing powder), appeals to the developments of scientists, numerous experiments and studies proving the effectiveness of this innovation.
is used if the advertising strategy is to inform the buyer about a new product, the advantages of which are already obvious and there is not much point in creating a complex game video. A reportage video or a short intro is enough, which offer the viewer a full-fledged informational text and an accompanying video sequence.
The commercial has several structures:
The first structure is shocking the consumer in various ways. In other words, what should have been the climax of the video becomes its beginning. So, first they show the problem itself (a dirty apartment, a stain, a non-working washing machine, etc.), then the reason for what is happening on the screen, and then the solution to the problem is the advertised remedy.
The second structure is parallel plots. The structure of such a video is as follows: the first theme (main) and its culmination; the second theme (rival) and its climax, and then the denouement.
The third structure is used to advertise goods, the unique selling proposition of which consists in the unity of the goals of this product and the consumer. This is health, the need for happiness, success, etc. The structure of the script of such videos has two parts – the main theme and the denouement, the main plot and the climax are missing. The main goal of such videos is not to tell about the product itself, but to convey the mood from the consumption of the product, this is how many brands of beer, mineral water, etc. are advertised.
TV Advertising Cost
The cost of advertising on television like AajTak, BBC, Colors etc consists of many components (the salary of all persons involved, the cost of building scenery, props, filming time, the complexity of computer graphics, etc.), it can be repeatedly adjusted already in the process of making an advertising video.
Success Parameters
The effectiveness of an advertising video depends, first of all, on its individuality, brightness of colors and sounds, intelligibility with super-briefness, coverage of a wide audience of viewers. Videos should start with something that attracts attention in the first 5 seconds, they are decisive. The level of attention that is achieved at this time is the highest. A video with an abundance of characters and scenes that are not directly related to the advertised object can be interesting, but ineffective as an advertisement. The video should not be wordy. A 30-second video should contain no more than 50 words.