Corporate Films Production House - What you need to know?

corporate film production house

Varchaswaa Media Pvt Ltd is a leading corporate films production house in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. A corporate film is a video that helps to improve the company’s image. It is created and shown to a specific target audience: it can be the company’s customers, employees or other wider audience (for example, visitors to a trade show). Also, a corporate video (film) is sometimes understood as image or presentation videos. In general, all these concepts and names are closely related, so much so that over time the difference between them has practically disappeared and the only difference lies in positioning.


corporate film production company

So, a corporate video can tell about the history of the company, or about one of its activities. This may be a kind of video report on accomplishments, timed to coincide with an anniversary or other important event. Or, for example, what happens more and more often, it can be a mood film, metaphors, visual and audio images conveying to people the values and aspirations of the company. We at Varchaswaa Media is highly notable as a Corporate Film  Production House in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.

How Do We Do It

To date, such films have organically merged into the corporate culture of many companies. Creating videos of this type (as well as any others) with the definition of goals and the general concept of the video. At this stage, it is important to accurately determine the priorities, the target group, as well as the duration of the corporate film. The latter is very important from the point of view of conveying the main thesis of the video to the viewer. Sometimes this can be achieved with a three-minute video, and in some cases, a corporate video begins to gravitate towards a serious documentary, and the duration grows up to several hours.

When To Start

If you need such a film, and you want to receive it by a certain date, then you need to start preparing for filming at least a few months in advance. There are times when a company needs to shoot a corporate film, for example, about the production of an icebreaker or a submarine. In these situations, all work on the production of the video may drag on for several years.


A corporate film may consist of video interviews with company employees; from filming production or work processes; from graphical visualization of statistical data or from fragments of video filming from memorable dates. If we talk about the modern trend with metaphorical videos, then the video sequence of such films, as a rule, consists of memorable shots, both sometimes completely unrelated to the company, and demonstrating the processes in the company from the best poetic side.

Interview Shoot

Interview shoot

Interview shooting options vary from the now classic shooting of a person at a workplace to an interview where the narrator acts as a guide through the department / workshop / room. In the first version, the narrator can look directly at the camera, as if talking face-to-face with the viewer, or look away at the interviewer – in this case, a slightly different effect is created – this is the feeling of being at a press conference, but as if from the outside. When shooting a video in motion, when the narrator moves in space, one gets the impression of being on an excursion held especially for you. At the same time, the veil of formality completely flies off the video sequence – it becomes light and unobtrusive. This works especially well if the narrator has remarkable charisma and a pleasant voice.

Production Process

production process

When creating production videos, it is very useful to show all the important production processes. If they are automated, it makes sense to focus on demonstrating all, even small, movements of mechanisms – even the simplest parts of the production line can cause indescribable delight in the viewer – the most important thing is to shoot them correctly.

If you need to add graphic animation or video info-graphics to a corporate video, you can choose from several basic options – these can be separately created graphic frames or graphics placed on top of the video. The latter can be tied to specific elements of the scene and look like it is an integral part of the footage. Perhaps your choice will be a video completely visualized using graphics.

2D/3D Animation

For a corporate film, you can use 3D or 2D animation. The possibilities of creating videos with graphics are limited by only two things – the imagination of designers and the budget. With the help of modern tools, truly incredible images can be recreated – and if this will work for the benefit of the company’s image, then why not.

If the goal of your corporate film is to tell at least some more or less related story, then the video sequence, of course, should be treated with due attention. Three components: voice, music and video should work for one goal, enhancing the effect of each other.

Profits of Corporate Videos

Corporate videos can be an excellent communication tool for you with clients, partners or employees. The fragments obtained during the production of the video can be used to create commercials, video trailers, presentations. If we draw an analogy, then shooting a corporate film is like buying a construction set from which you can assemble not only the main model, but many small additional ones – while you can use all of them simultaneously and without any restrictions.

If, after reading everything, you decide to order a video, then you are welcome to mail[at] We are highly experienced in corporate film production and holding no 1 position as a corporate film production house in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. We will make your film so that after watching you will not be able to restrain your delight – we guarantee!